With a gentle invitation to “dance with me” at the One Woman Conference in London in May, Susie Heath brought a beautiful healing energy to the room.
Accepting that invitation—letting my body move to the music in communal dance with 200 other women—felt utterly magical.
And, totally unexpectedly, it felt deeply familiar. I recognised that magic from the mosh pits of my youth.
A story I tell myself is that I had no idea how to connect emotionally with my body before I was 40. I share more about my journey back into my body in my latest post.
This gorgeous experience taught me that on some level my body has always known what I needed. I used to think gigs were my favourite thing to do because I was a music-lover. My body knew that I needed to be there to feel that deep sense of belonging and connection. It was a safe place to let my feelings flow.
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